The Safe Zone program provides a visible network of allies for LGBT+ and other individuals seeking information and assistance regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, harassment, and/or discrimination. The Safe Zone program aims to increase awareness, knowledge, and sensitivity about important issues affecting LGBT+ students, faculty, and staff to foster a safe, welcoming climate at the University of Montevallo. Our guiding assumptions are that all learning and work environments should be safe and free of sex- and gender-based discrimination, prejudice, and harassment; further, the environment should be one in which every student and employee is free to thrive on an academic, professional, and personal level based on respect and dignity. We believe it possible to adhere to individual moral and ethical perspectives and religious beliefs while behaving respectfully to all people. The Safe Zone committee sends a message that sexual orientations and gender presentations are part of our culture and are acknowledged and supported.
Safe Zone Events & Training Dates
Safe Zone Emergency Fund
Safe Zone Emergency Fund provides financial assistance to LGBTQIA students at UM facing financial hardship.
Email Safe Zone Committee Chair Connie Couch at for additional information.
To make a one-time or monthly donation to the fund, please visit Annual Giving, and select “Safe Zone Emergency Fund” from the Designation drop down menu.
Meetings and Events in the Montevallo community
Click the links below to learn more about community events.
Spectrum (UM’s Gender/Sexuality Alliance)
People in Crisis:
Free and confidential Central Alabama Crisis Line, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week: (205)-323-7777,
Free and confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week: 1.800.273.TALK(8255),
Free and confidential Trans Lifeline– Transgender Crisis Line: (877)-565-8860,
Local/Regional Resources