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Alpha Kappa Lambda

Founded on campus in 1995, the Gamma Delta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Lambda has distinguished itself through its many achievements in its short history. For their philanthropies, Gamma Delta hosts a haunted house each fall.

Currently, brothers serve as Gold Leaders, Montevallo Mavens, Orientation Leaders, SGA Exec & Senate Members, as well as various other clubs and organizations on campus.

The Gamma Delta Chapter has a strong brotherhood that can be seen by anyone on campus and has garnered a reputation for having gentlemanly members.


Nickname AKL
Founded April 22, 1914, University of California Berkeley
Founded at UM 1995
Chapter Name Gamma Delta
Flower Yellow Rose
Colors Purple and Gold
Mascot Klepto the Bear
Philanthropy Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, These Hands Don’t Hurt
High School GPA Req. 2.75
College GPA Req. 2.75
National Website